What we do

Transcombi Express reverse logistics offers you unique logistics services for returning items that add real value to your supply chain.

In Transcombi Express we go beyond the standard logistics and warehouse services giving you the opportunity to make the best out of a product or material in return cases. Recalled products, overstock, recyclables, end-of-life goods and items to be disposed can be turned into valuable assets for your company.

Upon your request, we give extra value to products that return to the warehouse by the client. We collect from each point of sale, fast and in the most cost effective way, seasonal items that have not been sold, products that bought through e-shops and the buyer refused to pay, or recalling and defective products.

We can help you benefit even from materials that you have already used in the shipment process such as empty flat pallets, packages, recyclable material that can be either recycled or reused or even entire empty containers.

Our well-structured reverse logistics strategy and process is simple, fast and effective for you and your client. Once the shipment is rejected by the client, the customer service center is being notified and in real time informs our client. A strategic plan for the safe and fast return of the shipment either to our client premises or our warehouse is fast executed. To ensure maximum efficiency and guaranteed excellence in our services, a quality check for damages is conducted once the shipment enters the warehouse. After careful and strategic programming the shipment is either stored in the warehouse or is repackaged.

We can design your reverse logistics plan, simplifying and smoothing out the process according to your needs and when those needs change, we remain flexible to meet your new demands.