“My journey with Transcombi Express started 16 years ago. Each day, I experience something different and even more challenging… Our everyday goal is to provide even more qualitative services to our customers, always meeting their highest expectations!”

“I have been part of the Transcombi Express family for the past 35 years… I am more than proud to say, that this company is part of my past and my present. My promise is that I will always try my best, in order to achieve our common goals for the future.”

“The daily challenges that the Customer Service team faces are the ones that make our day very interesting! I am feeling proud to belong to the Transcombi Express family!”

In Transcombi Express, I ‘ve learned that with teamwork and active
listening, complex situations can be converted into simple everyday
tasks! From this position, I gain everyday, valuable knowledge and
experience in a very dynamic and versatile working environment!

“Starting my professional journey at Transcombi Express 16 years ago, I didn’t expect it to be so creative and full of challenges!
In a beautiful, family working environment, I take my course of life always with a smile and with my greatest mood to achieve our corporate common goals!”

Platform Manager @ P. Ralli Headquarters
“Every day we make a continuous effort to improve our daily operations, aiming at the excellent service of our customers.
As a member of the Transcombi Express team for 11 years, I can confidently say that the company is constantly standing by its customers and its team in everything that has been needed!”

“It is not the years that have passed that constitute my journey with Transcombi Express, but the experience and the knowledge I have gained, up to this day.
The latter, play an overall exceptional role, whether someone has been working for six months or 16 years in our company and are our valuable assets for our future!”

“I have been part of the Transcombi Express team for the past 16 years.
All these years, I have been communicating with our customers, so as to defend
our common interests and to create long lasting win-win relationships.
For the future, my wish is to continue being productive, happy with
what we do and strong to enjoy the results of our work!”

“After 20 years of daily experiences and challenges in Transcombi Express, I am part of a dynamic team that leaves its indelible mark on the Logistics industry.
Respect, knowledge, and energy are constantly derived from this team and have contributed to my overall career path!
Thank you Transcombi Express!”

“From our work, health & pleasure are acquired.
For me, work is an everyday way of expressing creativity, evolution, and enlightenment, that welcomes the next day.
Prerequisites to achieve this, are our colleagues and the overall corporate environment. For both, I feel more than fortunate to work for Transcombi Express.”

My long-time journey with Transcombi Express had and continues to have as a flag, the vision of its founder, J. Kapetanakis: To establish itself as one of the best 3PL companies.
I feel proud and grateful to be a Transcombi Express companion on this journey!

My dearest Transcombi, I met you when you were little, in your first steps…
26 years later, I am older and you’ve become greater!
A lot of emotions all those years…
Thank you Transcombi Express!

I am more than proud to belong in the Transcombi Express family!

At Transcombi Express, I gained a lot of valuable knowledge about the logistics industry and at the same time, I was given many opportunities for professional development.
Today, I declare that I am ready to be part of the overall management of our company’s next challenges!

“The only thing certain is that the word “routine” does not exist in our everyday working life, from the smallest to the biggest project. Each project has its importance and diversity!
Our supplies are state-of-the-art technologies, both in the field of Storage Services or Distribution Services.
It is really tempting to be part of the Transcombi Express force!”

“Supporting an entrepreneur in his everyday work management is a challenge, which over the years has become an accompaniment with common professional goals!
I feel proud to say that I work by the side of J. Kapetanakis at Transcombi Express!”

“In 2008, I first entered the Transcombi Express working space. It was my new and first meaningful job! Every morning, I followed the same route, from home to work…
After 13 years, I continue to follow the same route… But from my home to my “home”, since the bonds that have developed are now, those of a family…”

It is important to perceive your work as a creative and evolving “route”…
My route on Transcombi Express is, every day, full of challenges and I feel lucky to be part of the company’s team!

“The beginning of my career started in Germany and continued with TRANSCOMBI EXPRESS, at its International Transport department and gave me the opportunity to return to my home country.
So, I became a member of its “family” and to developed professionally in the field of International Transport.
I hope for many other professionals and especially young people to find their own “Transcombi Express”!”

“My role at Transcombi Express is to bring consumers closer to our customers’ products!
It may be strange to go to the supermarket and see on the shelves the products that have been packaged by our team, but I feel proud to finally contribute to consumer satisfaction.”

“The years of supporting the Distribution Dpt of Transcombi Express have passed creatively!
I find huge interest in my work and throughout my career I have always had people who support me on a professional and personal level.”

“The opportunity given to me by I. Kapetanakis 22 years ago, to become part of the Transcombi Express services chain was a life opportunity for me.
I would like to thank him and my colleagues for their trust and cooperation.”

“I feel happy and satisfied to be a member of Transcombi Express’s successful team, helping the company to achieve its goal by leaving its own footprint in the Logistics industry!”

“Counting a decade with the Transcombi Express team, the word “boredom” doesn’t exist in my vocabulary.
The wide range of my tasks keeps me moving constantly in a changing and dynamic working environment.
The daily challenges, responding to the requests of our customers, offer me life experiences!”

“I am happy and grateful to be working with the Transcombi Express team”

“3 words can describe Transcombi Express: Giant, Security, Family”

“Motivation for evolution never stops!
This motivation was given to me by Transcombi Express and I enjoy the opportunity to develop myself in one of the largest Logistic Centers in the Greek industry!”

“In the Transcombi Express Customer Service Dpt, each phone call represents a separate story! My colleagues and I, try to ensure that each story has a happy ending!”

“The driving force in the Transcombi Express LTL Attica Routing Department is that each day is more important than the previous one and less important than the next one!”

“At Transcombi Express, I realized that a team is not just people working in the same space… A team is different people who enjoy working!”

“Transcombi Express and my work in this company give, to me and my family, the means and the reason to live a beautiful life!”

“Transcombi Express fully supports me in my role as a working woman and mother, offering me equal opportunities and equal working conditions, perfectly balancing, in this way, between motherhood, work and personal life!”

“Transcombi Express gave me the opportunity not only to put into practice what I already know for the logistics industry, but at the same time to evolve and learn even more things for this sector!”

“If someone asked me what I would change in my working life, I would reply: “I wish I had come to Transcombi Express earlier!”

“When I arrive, every day, to the remises of our company in Oinofyta, I feel like I’m arriving home…
I try to keep it beautiful, functional and clean, so that our “guests” feel comfortable and safe!
It seems that we have achieved this…”

“Transcombi Express every day, gives me the opportunity to develop… To be efficient and creative, in a well-organized and team-oriented environment!”

“I built my personal and professional life at Transcombi Express!
After 19 years, the result of this relationship has a completely positive sign, with Transcombi Express always standing by my side, in all my joys or sorrows…
I continue with strength and optimism!
Transcombi Express I love you!”

“At Transcombi Express, I was given the unique opportunity to meet with the world of logistics, from the perspective of rail transport, gaining significant experience and skills for the future!”

“Transcombi Express is the one and only!
20 years, every day, with a smile I come at Transcombi Express and with a smile I leave!”